Sunday, August 24, 2008

Busy Week Last Week

even though Ava only went 2 days. One sick day and 2 non-contact days. They were testing kids to see where they were academically. Ava is right where she needs to be. The teacher told me that she can tell a big difference between the kids who were in preschool using Tools of the Mind, those in preschool not using Tools and those that never went to preschool.

Today is the beginning of the first FULL week of school for Ava. Exciting- for her AND me. Justin is working from home today and tomorrow due to the DNC. He'll either ride his bike in Wed. or work at the CSC.

I have been really tired lately. Not sure why. I've been more physically active, but I thought that was supposed to give you more energy, not sap you of all you've got. *shrug*

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